Corona Virus and Green Spaces

Hi all,

Hope everyone is staying safe and well in this unprecedented crisis.

The Prime Minster yesterday stated ‘Parks and Open Spaces so absolutely important for our country and society’. We all know how critical they are and currently even more so in maintaining our health and wellbeing for the foreseeable future. Dave, our Chair, has written the following statement for everyone: 

The coronavirus public health crisis – what we can all do?

A statement from the National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces on 16 March 2020:

Community groups to keep serving our communities”

Many people are thinking about what we can all do during this public health crisis to help each other and our communities. ‘What’ and ‘how’ need further discussion everywhere. Existing community groups are vowing to try to do what they can, and many new hyper-local mutual aid and solidarity groups seem to be springing up everywhere, which is to be welcomed.

For all of us, in every street, block of flats and neighbourhood, these are some of the things we can do to help the situation:

– spread good practice based on public health guidelines, regarding hygiene, distancing and advice/health helplines, etc

– encourage people to support each other if vulnerable, or in self-isolation

– try to ensure everyone has access to basic food needs etc

– try to ensure people can look after their kids OK if schools etc close

– try to ensure people who lose wages etc don’t face destitution or any threat of eviction from their homes etc

– support the hard-working and over-stretched emergency workers (eg health staff)

– keep general morale up

This is going to be a massive challenge for everyone. Please look after yourselves and each other.

In solidarity,

Dave Morris (Chair, National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces)
Additionally, here is a useful sign from the Haringey Parks team:

We have noted today, that Cardiff Council have closed their play areas due to the risk of transmission –

There’s some useful information here for those who are holding online meetings here:

Everyone of you will know your site and what the potential risks might be. We hope that you all remain safe and well during these difficult and trying times.

Kind regards,

Everyone at the National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces

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