Suggestions to regulations of best practise that our forum members could recommend:
Examples of Freedom-of-Information requests for Battersea
16th October 2018
These examples, kindly provided by the friends, show that you need to think carefully about the wording of the questions you submit. The authority can decline to answer them if […]
CPRE London – Litter, Waste and Recycling in Parks
4th October 2018
Litter, Waste and Recycling Beyond litter picking: what can your group do to reduce litter and rubbish and increase recycling? Dear parks friends! At the September 2018 meeting of the […]
Example Questionnaire to demonstrate park usage
27th February 2018
‘Usage’ Questionnaires can be needed when you need to prove how many people use the green space, and what for. It’s often an input for Management Plans, funding applications, for […]
Example Questionnaire to assess the state of Green Space Provision
27th February 2018
This is an example of a questionnaire that has worked well to provide evidence to assess that the borough’s parks provision. It was responded to by nearly all the borough’s […]
How to run a successful community campaign to save your open space
26th February 2018
If you want to save your open space, start now, before it is threatened. .. identify sites which might be under threat: the tired, sad, neglected open space or the fringe of the park that is used to store skips in, the bit of woodland at the back of your estate, the triangle behind the railway track where your kids play, or where nature has taken over... make the site look valued and reclaim it for the whole community. It is much harder for a local authority or developer to choose a site which is loved, used and designated than…
Dog walkers and Dog Officers
15th January 2018
Dog Officers REMIT of LFGN DOG OFFICER(S) – Rev -01 (16-10-2017) INTRODUCTION Dogs and their carers are major and significant users of most public open green spaces (POGS). At their […]
Pedestrian Greenspace Users
15th January 2018
A suggested guideline as to the provision and issues for Pedestrian users
Trees & Woodland – Best Practises and Successes
17th November 2017
Best Practises and Successes from our member groups:
Covenant / Deed-Of-Dedication – Planning Designations You Can Apply for Protection
13th November 2017
Deeds of Dedication are considered best practise to provide statutory protection for green spaces for future generations. The charity Fields in Trust help friends groups and councils draw the document up.