Help save Upney playing fields

Epping’s conservative council has renewed it’s pledge to develop these playing fields into 107 ‘luxury’ flats.

Please sign the friend’s petition:save-udney-park-teddington-and-outdoor-sports-fields-from-greedy-property-developers

Here are some of the reasons these precious fields should not be built on:

1. “Some things in life are just wrong … building on playing fields is one of them”

Building on playing fields, which are also a War Memorial is simply wrong. It is also in flagrant breach of UK National Planning Policy Paragraph 74 which states “playing fields should not be built on”.

2. Our local playing fields should not be allowed to be decimated for profit

100% of the Udney Park Playing Fields should be owned and operated as a charity, inclusive to all and retained as Green Space. Udney Park was donated for “amateur sport” and we launched a Charity for that purpose called the Udney Park Playing Fields Trust.

We want to retain 8 sports fields and cricket (which the developers, Qauntum, will cease). We also want community input on other use for the green space and Pavilion.

3. A Community Plan is ready to go and is achievable

Rejecting the Planning Application would wipe out the fields’ development value and ‘reset’ the land valuation to ‘playing fields’ level. Quantum is a very public brand so will need a graceful exit ie. to sell the fields.

UPPFT have had discussions with several interest local community organisations who could help fund a subsequent bid for the fields. Sport England, the FA, the RFU and and other similar bodies have substantial grants for community club facilities to help us sustain 100% of the fields.

See more on the friend’s website:

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