Hounslow London Borough
Planning Department: http://planning.hounslow.gov.uk/planning_user_accept.aspx
Parks: http://www.hounslow.info/parks-open-spaces/find-your-park/
Our posts involving Houndslow:
17th May 2019
Discussion Synthesis 2011: Volunteering and the Big Society
SUMMARY Volunteering should be: * fun * an add on, an enhancement, not a substitute * voluntary, not mandatory * one aspect of a drive to formulate workable social enterprise models. Ultimately, aiming for a fairer society with wellbeing criteria at its core. Partnership models a possible way forwards opportunity for local people to regain the power to be self determining. * a means of working in partnership with the local authority, not picking up the pieces where parks services have been cut. Report on Volunteering and the Big Society - key issues, controversies, opportunities from…
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8th March 2018
Council elections in May: Safeguard our green spaces! Council elections are being held in May. Haringey and Hounslow Friends of Parks Forums have called for all local parties and candidates to commit to effective long-term action to protect and improve their borough's public green spaces, Why not do the same in your borough? Haringey Friends of Parks Forum calls for all local political party election manifestos to back our parks This is the email we sent to all parties: Please include in your Manifesto SUPPORT FOR HARINGEY'S PARKS Summary sentence: We will commit to supporting Haringey's parks and public green…
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17th January 2018
Hounslow Council moves to bring Carillion-managed parks service in-house
16 January 2018, by Sarah Cosgrove, Be the first to comment Hounslow Council is bringing its parks service back in-house following the collapse of its grounds maintenance contractor Carillion. Hanworth Park, Hounslow. Image: David Bridges/Flickr Carillion holds the contract to manage parks, cemeteries and allotments at the west London borough, close to Heathrow Airport. The company, which went into compulsory liquidiation yesterday after failing to find a re-financing solution for its £1.5bn of debt, also previously managed Hounslow's library service, but that ended in summer 2017. The council intends to move services to Lampton 360, the council’s wholly-owned trading company, and has asked administrators…
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9th December 2017
London Plan – Comments from CPRE
MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday 29 November 2017 For further comment please call Neil Sinden on 07496 805354 or Alice Roberts on 07792 942 691 New London Plan will help make better use of wasted space but will it stop councils like Hounslow build over 100 hectares of Green Belt Campaigners applaud focus on ‘best use of land’ but call for more action to protect and enhance green spaces Campaigners at CPRE London (1) today (Wednesday) welcomed the new London Plan published in draft today (Wednesday). Neil Sinden, Director of CPRE London said: ‘We are…
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19th October 2017
Hounslow London Borough Planning Department: http://planning.hounslow.gov.uk/planning_user_accept.aspx Parks: http://www.hounslow.info/parks-open-spaces/find-your-park/ Our posts involving Houndslow: [wcp-carousel id="1073"]
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