MMeeting Notes: Management plans are important to create an action plan so that groups can be involved in advocating park needs (increased biodiversity etc.) There are many reasons that parks […]
There is a comprehensive guide to drawing up the management plan for a green space, at the webarchive: here This 48-page guide from CABE explains what the Green Flag awards […]
These are some notes on what is looked for, when evaluating a green space for a Green Flag award: “Any green space that is freely accessible to the public and […] We celebrate the very best green spaces through our international Green Flag Award and People’s Choice vote. We help to improve them even more through our innovations, #LitterHeroes and […]
This example is from Queens Gardens, a small-ish ornamental garden in the town centre. Bromley’s park management is contracted out to iDverde to fulfil, so the plan contains a foreword […]