Fruit Tree Pruning We are making our way around Hackney’s Community Orchards pruning fruit trees in parks. On Sat 3 Feb we are in Clapton Park’sDaubeney Fields
Pruning the semi vigorous apple trees in the Hackney Downs Orchard. Join us at Daubeney Fields and learn about fruit tree pruining
Other woodland dates this year:
11, 18, & 25 Feb; 11 & 18 March.
Young Tree Care on Hackney Downs Sat 10 Feb
Help us mulch and tend newly planted trees. Tree Musketeers have planted over 250 trees on Hackney Downs over 20 years. We will be looking after some of the youngest trees. Meet10am on the Old Bowling Green or find us in the park.
It’s coppicing time again!
Free woodland management workshops inWick Woodland start onSun 4 Febsecond workshop on Sun 11 Feb.
Book your place for 11 Feb (2nd workshop)here
Other woodland dates this year: 18, & 25 Feb; 11 & 18 March.