Hi Everyone
We have until the deadline of March 2nd to make written comments on the new London Plan. To provide support for this, we invite you to a special networking event of Just Space on Saturday 24th February to be held at UCL Euston from 10 am – 5 pm. There is the option to come for the morning or afternoon session or for the whole day.
If you have not done so already, please book your place by the end of tomorrow (Tuesday) as we need to confirm numbers with the caterers. A booking form is attached.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided by Nubia Supplementary School and the Calthorpe Cafe (Menu:Steamed stuffed fish, Oven baked chicken, Butter beans with mushrooms and black kale; rice and salad; cake). Thank you to Friends of the Earth for making this possible.
A draft representation from Just Space will be shared, and we anticipate many other groups will also have drafts to share. Our intention is to have workshop sessions on each chapter of the London Plan.
If you cannot attend on 24th February, it would still be very useful to hear from you about sharing your draft comments with others.
London Plan Community event at City Hall on 20th January 2018. Briefing papers, and notes from workshop and plenary sessions, are on the Just Space link below (with some more to be added).
Community conference 20 January 2018
with best wishes
Richard Lee
Coordinator Just Space