New Southgate Millennium Green
The New Southgate Millennium Green in North London is one of 245 such greens created at the turn of the Millennium across England. Each is run independently via its own charitable trust, by the local community.
The Project
Local volunteers wanted to obtain a picnic table that would not easily be destroyed or stolen, something with low environmental impact but within a budget of £10! Impossible, you think? Discarded pallets, we think.
The finished design was built around a cherry tree, so it isn’t going anywhere and ticks the box of seating in shade. It has eight legs so it is substantial and it features a cut-out section in the middle for when the tree grows. Although it has been vandalised, it is easy to repair and well-loved by local residents.
Volunteer designer and trustee Harry Blackman says of his unique brainchild: “Watching hundreds of people use something I designed and created gives me a very positive feeling.”
Find out more including contact details at the New Southgate Millenium Green website.